I got interested in stargazing when I was about 14 years old.  I found the star charts difficult and frustrating to use, but managed to find a few constellations,
my favorite being Orion.  I have always wondered why star charts include many stars that cannot be seen with the naked eye, at least where I live.  This is
very confusing especially for a beginner.  The charts I have made only contain stars I can see on a clear night from my backyard.  I find the scientific names for
these stars boring and hard to remember.  There is a lot to be said for the names the ancients gave them.  For example Antares, the bright red star in Scorpius,
was named because it is the anti-Mars or anti Aries.  For me this makes a lot more sense and is easier to remember.  There are several things to take into
consideration when trying to find constellations.  As it moves through the sky it will appear to rotate.  For example the 3 stars in Orion's belt rise vertically.
At mid way through the sky the stars are closer to horizontal and as they set they continue to rotate toward vertical again with the first star to rise, the first to set.
You need to know where it is in the sky to know it's orientation.  The second thing to take into consideration is the time of day.  As time goes on they change position
in the sky much the same way the sun and moon do.  The third thing to take into consideration is the date.  Each night a star will be in the same position it was the
in the night before 4 minutes earlier.  This seems insignificant, but after 1 week it is in the same place 28 minutes earlier and after a month about 2 hours earlier.
On the same date one year later it will be 24 hours ahead putting it in the same spot at the same time it was the year before. In order to find the stars in these
charts you need to know the location and time.  These will be listed on the charts.

1) The location, for example, South West 40 degrees.  To find this you will face South West and look up 40 degrees.  Degrees can be easily determined by either
estimating, 0 degrees being the horizon and 90 degrees being the zenith (straight up).  40 degrees is almost half way up.  Another way is to make a fist and extend
your arm in front of you.  Close one eye and hold your fist so the bottom of it is on the horizon.  The top of your fist will be 10 degrees above.  Move your fist up
up so that the bottom of your fist is now where the top was and the top of it will now be 20 degrees.  Repeat until you get the correct height.  One fist equals 10
degrees so a half fist is 5 degrees.

2) The date and time, for example March 20, 8:15 PM.  The date and time are tied together because this is the only night that these stars will be exactly here.  A few
nights before or after you won't notice much of a difference, but 2 weeks later on April 3 the stars will be there at 7:15 PM.  With this information the exact time the
stars will be in this location can be determined by the date.  On February 20 you would find them here at 10:15 PM and on April 20 they would be here at 6:15 PM (you
wouldn't be able to see them because it would still be day light).
